Balcony1, Balcony Inspections in California

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Balcony Inspection and Repair in Carthay Circle, Los Angeles – Balcony1

Balcony Inspection and Repair in Carthay Circle, Los Angeles - Balcony1

Balcony1 is a company that provides balcony inspection and repair services to comply with SB721 & SB326 in Carthay Circle, Los Angeles. The company has over 20 years of construction and design experience and has completed hundreds of projects within their various divisions for multifamily properties.

The main service that Balcony1 provides is balcony inspection and repair. The company offers this service to landlords in order to ensure that their properties are in compliance with SB721 & SB326. The benefits of this service include peace of mind for landlords and tenants, as well as increased property value.

If you are a landlord in Carthay Circle, Los Angeles, we urge you to contact Balcony1 to schedule an inspection and repair of your balconies. Don’t wait until it’s too late – make sure your property is in compliance with the law today!

Los Angeles
Category Construction Company
Exterior Elevated Element Inspection
Services Exterior Elevated Element Repairs

Los Angeles, CA, USA
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