In need of Balcony Inspection and Repair Services in Venice Beach? Call Balcony1 Today!

In need of Balcony Inspection and Repair Services in Venice Beach? Call Balcony1 Today!

As a landlord in Venice Beach, it’s important to keep your property up to date with the latest safety standards. In Venice Beach, that means making sure your balconies are up to code with SB721 & SB326.

Balcony1 has over 20 years of construction and design experience, making us the perfect company to handle your balcony inspection and repair needs. We’ve completed hundreds of projects within their various divisions for multifamily properties, so you can rest assured that your property is in good hands.

Not only will we make sure your balcony is up to code, but we’ll also work with you to repair any cosmetic damage that may have occurred over time. We understand that your property is a valuable investment, and we want to help you keep it in top condition.

If you’re in need of balcony inspection and repair services in Venice Beach, call Balcony1 today. We’ll be happy to provide you with a free estimate, and we look forward to helping you keep your property safe and up to code.

Los Angeles
Category Construction Company
Exterior Elevated Element Inspection
Services Exterior Elevated Element Repairs

Los Angeles, CA, USA
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